Scripture Reading - James 3:16-18

16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.
17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. KJV

In our lives we are always faced with decisions, one way to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit is to consider the source. We notice in verse 17 that there is a “wisdom from above”. This “wisdom from above” has certain characteristics that can be relied upon when proving the source. First it is noted that the solution will be pure or as one may say, “simple” which is non-complicated. Keeping it simple basically means keeping in-line with God’s Word. After passing the purity test of God’s Word (or His principles) look for some spiritual fruit. The particular spiritual fruits mentioned in verses 17 and 18 are the fruits of peace and mercy. Verse 17 does not limit the reader to only the divine spiritual fruits of peace and mercy but any fruit of the spirit, refer to as “good fruits”. Verse 18 adds the fruit of righteousness into the equation. Once these two principles have been observed please notice the mannerism in which the decision (resolution, advice, etc…) is given. Is it gentle or pushy? Is it easily received (entreated, reasonable, considerate) or obstinate (partial, inconsiderate of others)? Is the answer (thought process, understanding, counsel) consistent with the person (or people) involved or is it contrary to their lifestyle (as a hypocrite)? Following these guidelines of godly principles, spiritual fruit and holy manners will help you discern the “wisdom from above” that yields a constant and re-assuring peace. This does not mean that everyone will have peace, although that might happen, but it does mean that you should be at peace with your heart (being at peace with yourself). God lives inside of you, if your reborn spirit is at peace with your decisions based upon the principles we just mentioned you will perform God’s Will for your life. However, if the carnal mind is in strife with God’s Spirit inside of you the devil’s will of confusion is being manifested upon you. Therefore when considering your options always follow the peaceful resolution of principle, fruit and presentation when discerning the “wisdom from above” because we know whenever we find peace we also find God’s Will and God’s Spirit. We could say this is how we are led of the Holy Spirit of God inside of your reborn spirit from God. Amen!